Alcohol Lift Ink | How to Mount and Add Resin to an Art Piece [VIDEO]


Video Transcription

This step is very important. You'll need to make sure that you have a mask, are in a well-ventilated area, wear gloves and have a prepped surface. You'll need to have a garbage bag, a tarp or whatever you want to use to keep your surface from getting resin on it. 

This is a two-part resin, and you'll need to be very careful and mix it really, really well (exactly one part to one part). That's why I'm taking a pen because normally I just eyeball it. Maybe that's probably why I haven't had much success in the past.

Because I was using this more for something that I wanted to display in my craft room, I really wanted it to work out and be perfect. I was really taking my time to make sure that I was doing everything right.

I have the two cups there - one part resin and one part hardener - and now I'm going to mix them together into one cup. I used way too much and I ended up using a lot of the extra in my molds, which was really great and they hardened perfectly.

I now have some resin pieces that I can use on my projects. I didn't have any stirring sticks. My husband had a yardstick or something, and he cut it in half so that I can use it to scrape the bottom of the cups and stir around really well. It's really important that you stir this for two minutes and make sure that you get all of the resin and the hardener and that everything mixes perfectly.

I know I keep saying that word, but it's very important because I have had resin not harden all the way. I've had some that stay sticky and some that I've not had much luck. But this time, it went so much easier because I took my time. I was very careful.

Again, you really need to make sure that you are in a well-ventilated area. It does have a smell. I don't know if I touched on that at the beginning of the video. I think I did just for a second, but it's nothing overpowering or anything, at least not for me, but it does have a little bit of a smell.

If you are sensitive to smells, then this might not be for you, but I didn't mind it at all. I'm mixing it up, scraping the sides, making sure that I scraped the bottom and mixing it for at least two minutes.

Next, I'm going to add it to the top of my piece here. I add a little bit at a time and then go in and scrape it around. It leveled itself out. I don't know what happened to the footage. I think my camera died and I didn't want to take my gloves off just yet and switch out the battery. I did use a little torch to torch out all of the air bubbles. That's important as well. It leveled itself out really, really well and hardened.

I think I came back in 36 hours and it was hardened perfectly. It's just so pretty. If you've seen epoxy resin on art pieces before, it's so beautiful and brings the whole piece to life. As you could see here, it's really brightening up all of those colors.

I don't know how it works, but it just adds so much depth to a piece in my opinion. It's so pretty. At this point, you can honestly add more alcohol ink. You could do all sorts of different things. Add mica flakes, add all sorts of different elements on top of the resin if you want, and then add another layer of resin, but I left it at this.

Here's a close look. Trying my best not to have so much glare, but it's almost like glass, so it's very hard not to get that glare, but it's just so beautiful, all of those different layers. I will have more pictures and information over on my blog, so be sure to check it out.

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